News & Events
January 26 Parents' Coffee and Donuts
9:15-10am Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and donuts. Childcare is available in the school gym. January 26 St. Peter Catholic School Mass 10:30am January 26 SPCS Open House 11:30am- 1pm January 26 Savio Youth Group 6:15-8pm High school students: Join us in the PMC for Game Night with an extra special twist. For more information, contact Sr. Pham ([email protected]). January 29 SPCS Prayer Chain for our Nation after 8:15am Mass All parishioners are invited to gather in the breezeway between the church and school for a prayer chain for our nation. January 31 Holy Hour 3pm February 1 & 2 Candle Blessing all Masses This weekend the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus and is also known as Candlemas. Candlemas commemorates the occasion when the Virgin Mary, in obedience to Jewish law, went to the Temple in Jerusalem both to be purified 40 days after the birth of her son, Jesus, and to present him to God as her firstborn. Candles are often blessed on Candlemas because it symbolizes Jesus Christ as the "Light of the World," and the candle flame represents this divine light entering the world. If you have candles you would like to have blessed, please bring them to Mass with you. February 2 Parents' Coffee and Donuts 9:15-10am Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and donuts. Childcare is available in the school gym. February 3 St. Blaise Blessing of the Throats 8:15am Mass On the feast day of St. Blaise, blessings will be offered for those suffering disease of the throat, and for the protection for others from afflictions of the throat and from other illnesses. February 5 First Reconciliation 5:30-6:30pm Parishioners are welcome to attend and receive the sacrament of Reconciliation after our faith formation, school and RCIC children. February 7 Amazing Women's Guild after 8:15am Mass All ladies of the parish are invited to the PMC for brunch and a Lenten reflection with Fr. Gregory. February 7 Holy Hour 3pm February 7 Lector Refresher Training 4pm The event will identify important changes including the “why” behind proclaiming God’s word in the Sacred Liturgy and will feature helpful pointers by our resident public speech expert, Mr. Paul Zmuda. Training will be held in the large conference room. RSVP to Deacon Clarence Johnson at [email protected]. February 8 World Day of the Sick 10am Bishop Golka will celebrate Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral with prayers for healing, anointing of the sick and blessing of caregivers. Please join us if you or someone you know is in need of prayers for healing. After Mass, members of the Order of Malta will distribute bottles of Lourdes water and accept written prayer petitions that will be taken to the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. February 8 & 9 Savio Bake Sale Weekend after all weekend Masses For more information, contact Sr. Pham ([email protected]). February 9 Parents' Coffee and Donuts 9:15-10am Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and donuts. Childcare is available in the school gym. February 11 Tapping into Theology 7pm Please join us in the PMC where Tom Ryan will discuss "Ecumenism, Religious Freedom, and Freemasonry." To RSVP (especially if requesting pizza), contact Stephanie Kemp ([email protected] or 719-481-4355). February 12 GriefShare: Loss of Spouse Seminar 2-4pm Are you grieving the death of a spouse? Your life has changed forever. The daily emotions and challenges can seem too hard to bear. Join us in the PMC to find help and learn coping strategies. For more information, contact Melissa Smith ([email protected]). February 14 Holy Hour 3pm February 16 Savio Youth Group 6:15-8pm High school students: Join us in the PMC for Ignatian Discernment of the Spirit. For more information, contact Sr. Pham ([email protected]). February 17 Martin Luther King Jr. holiday Parish offices closed February 19 GriefShare Support Group 2-4pm Are you seeking encouragement after the death of a loved one? GriefShare is a special 13-week seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. The group meets in the PMC. For more information, contact Melissa Smith ([email protected]). February 21 Holy Hour 3pm February 21 Family Adoration 6:30pm February 22 Mandatory Lead Altar Server Training 2:30pm This training session is for servers who have received notification that they have been designated as lead servers. We will cover lead server responsibilities and also Thurifer training. RSVP to Deacon Clarence Johnson at [email protected]. February 23 Parents' Coffee and Donuts 9:15-10am Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and donuts. Childcare is available in the school gym. February 28 Holy Hour 3pm February 28 SPCS Gala: Havana Nights 5:30-11pm Join us for the 14th Annual Gala and Fundraiser at Spruce Mountain Ranch, in Larkspur benefiting St. Peter Catholic School. This is a fun-filled evening including cocktail hour, dinner, cash bar, a live & silent auction. Semi-formal resort wear or cocktail attire is appropriate. Cuban theme is highly encouraged with florals for ladies and Cubaveras and Panama hats for gentlemen. Themed attire is merely encouraged and not a requirement! Learn more and purchase tickets at March 1 Five First Saturdays Devotion In Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary 8:40am - Rosary 9am - Mass The Colorado Springs Order of Malta invites you to First Saturday Devotions to Mary. Mass will be celebrated by a Chaplain of the Order of Malta. All parishioners in the diocese are invited to attend. During these most troubled times in our country, prayer, fasting and penance are our recommended weapons against evil. Our Lady of Fatima’s message is just as important today as when she first appeared back in 1917. We encourage you to please come and pray with us for peace to combat the violence and mayhem in our country and in the world. Some excerpts from The Five First Saturdays Devotion pamphlet by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, may be found here. March 1 Mandatory Altar Server Practice 2:30pm This training is for ALL altar servers and is designed to address uncertainties that have been noticed during Mass, strengthen understanding of the server’s role in the liturgy, and improve server core skills for our Sunday 10:30am “High Mass” and our other Masses. The training will take place in the church nave. RSVP to Deacon Clarence Johnson at [email protected]. March 2 Parents' Coffee and Donuts 9:15-10am Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and donuts. Childcare is available in the school gym. March 2 Savio Youth Group 6:15-8pm Join us for Silence & Eucharistic Adoration. For more information, contact Sr. Pham ([email protected]). March 5 Ash Wednesday 8:15am 10am 5:30pm March 7 Stations of the Cross 7pm March 9 Parents' Coffee and Donuts 9:15-10am Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and donuts. Childcare is available in the school gym. March 9 St. Peter Catholic School Mass 10:30am March 14 Stations of the Cross 4:45pm March 15 Mandatory Usher, Greeter and Mass Coordinator Training 2:30pm We will use this opportunity to refresh all on the greeter, MC and usher responsibilities, serving as a dual-purpose opportunity to train new greeters, MCs and ushers. We will also discuss things we have noticed from a security perspective about which all should have a baseline understanding. The training will take place in the church nave. RSVP to Deacon Clarence Johnson at [email protected]. March 16 Parents' Coffee and Donuts 9:15-10am Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and donuts. Childcare is available in the school gym. March 16 Savio Youth Group 6:15-8pm High school students: Join us in the PMC for Game Night. For more information, contact Sr. Pham ([email protected]). March 21 Stations of the Cross 4:45pm March 28 Stations of the Cross 4:45pm April 4 Stations of the Cross 4:45pm April 6 Parents' Coffee and Donuts 9:15-10am Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and donuts. Childcare is available in the school gym. April 11 Stations of the Cross 3pm April 12 Savio Youth Group 10am-noon High school students: Join us for a morning of service at Life Network Family Thrift Store. For more information, contact Sr. Pham ([email protected]). April 13 Parents' Coffee and Donuts 9:15-10am Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and donuts. Childcare is available in the school gym. April 13 Savio Youth Group 6:15-8pm Join us in the PMC for Seeking Earthly Happiness or Heavenly Fulfillment? For more information, contact Sr. Pham ([email protected]). April 18 Good Friday Parish offices closed April 27 Parents' Coffee and Donuts 9:15-10am Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and donuts. Childcare is available in the school gym. April 27 Savio Youth Group 6:15-8pm Join us in the PMC for What is God's Call for Your Life? For more information, contact Sr. Pham ([email protected]). May 1 Confirmation 6:30pm May 3 Five First Saturdays Devotion In Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary 8:40am - Rosary 9am - Mass Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Golka. The Colorado Springs Order of Malta invites you to First Saturday Devotions to Mary. Mass will be celebrated by a Chaplain of the Order of Malta. All parishioners in the diocese are invited to attend. During these most troubled times in our country, prayer, fasting and penance are our recommended weapons against evil. Our Lady of Fatima’s message is just as important today as when she first appeared back in 1917. We encourage you to please come and pray with us for peace to combat the violence and mayhem in our country and in the world. Some excerpts from The Five First Saturdays Devotion pamphlet by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, may be found here. May 4 Parents' Coffee and Donuts 9:15-10am Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and donuts. Childcare is available in the school gym. May 4 St. Peter Catholic School Mass 10:30am May 10 First Holy Communion 10:30am May 18 Celebration of Graduating Seniors 10:30am Mass & reception May 18 Savio Youth Group 6:15-8pm Join us in the PMC for our end-of-the-year party. For more information, contact Sr. Pham ([email protected]). May 23 Family Adoration 6:30pm May 26 Memorial Day Parish offices closed July 4 Independence Day Parish offices closed July 25-27 Steubenville of the Rockies Conference in Denver (Freshmen-Juniors) For more information, contact Sr. Pham ([email protected]). August 15 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day of obligation Parish offices closed August 17 Parish Picnic at Limbaugh Park in Monument September 1 Labor Day Parish offices closed November 1 All Saints Day November 27 Thanksgiving Day Parish offices closed November 28 Parish offices closed December 8 The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day of obligation Parish offices closed December 24 Christmas Eve Parish offices closed December 25 Christmas Day Parish offices closed December 31 New Year's Eve Parish offices closed 2026 January 1 New Year's Day Parish offices closedGriefShare Support Group - Begins Wednesday, February 19, 2-4pm Are you seeking encouragement after the death of a loved one? GriefShare is a special 13-week seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. The group meets in the PMC. For more information, contact Melissa Smith ([email protected]). |
Why Should We be Quiet in Church?
Just Do Something: Anti-Human Trafficking Conference
January 25, 8am-12:15pm Catholic social teaching proclaims the dignity of the human person. We have a responsibility to fight against the violation and degradation of our brothers and sisters. Attend the 2025 Diocesan Anti-Human Trafficking Conference to learn how you can take part through sharing of awareness, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Please Join our Outreach of Hope During the Jubilee Year of Hope, we are reaching out in a very special way to our homebound parishioners. In addition to the weekly visits by our EMHC with Holy Communion, we will bring a special gift to those in our community who are unable to attend Mass. Please sign up here if you can help by bringing a small potted plant or a loaf of banana bread on Tuesday, February 11, 8:30-11:30am. Thank you for your support in this beautiful outreach and expression of hope in our Lord. February First Saturday Mass Location Change The First Saturday Mass on February 1, will not be held at St. Peter. The Order of Malta invites you to join them for First Saturday Mass at Ave Maria Parish in Parker, for this month only. First Saturday Mass at Ave Maria is at 9am, with Adoration and Confession from 9:30am-11am. Year-end giving opportunity St. Peter announces our new Donor Directed Operations Fund. This fund was established for parishioners who want to financially support the brick and mortar needs of our St. Peter campus. We partnered with Catholic Foundation to set aside funds that will grow with interest. Our goal is to ensure our entire campus is maintained with the highest level of care. Contributors to the fund will be invited to weigh in on how and where the money is best spent, both in the long and short terms. One hundred percent of your donation will remain at St. Peter. For more information and to contribute, contact Father Gregory Golyzniak ([email protected]) or Debby Dover ([email protected]). Called by Name Perhaps you know a single man or woman (18 years or older) who would, in your opinion, have qualities to become a priest, sister, brother, deacon, or consecrated virgin. Please recommend this person to Fr. Gregory ([email protected]). Those you nominate will receive a letter from Bishop James Golka, congratulating them on living the Christian Life in an exemplary way and gently inviting them to begin formally discerning their calling, as well as helpful information and resources. There are no requirements or commitments on their part – only a loving invitation from the Lord. Learn more here. Layette Project for Catholic Charities Do you sew? The Amazing Women's Guild can really use your help. Every month we put together layettes for Catholic Charities downtown. Part of it is a very simple homemade baby quilt. The fabric is all cut and ready in a kit to be picked up and brought back to church whenever you get it finished. It is then packaged along with a receiving blanket, bib, burp cloth, and a hat made by some of the ladies that crochet and knit, and we include a new onesie. This project has been going on for over 20 years in our parish. To help or for more information, contact Sandy Feldkamp at 719-351-3113. Wanted: Rosary Team Volunteers Volunteers are invited to pray the Rosary with seniors at nursing facilities. The Rosary Team is growing and has over 400 volunteers in over 120 facilities throughout the Denver Front Range. We are looking for volunteers in the Monument community. Mentoring and guidance provided. To sign up, visit or email [email protected] Watch The Rosary Team in action on EWTN via the link on our website. Notary Services We are pleased to announce that we are able to offer notary services for our St. Peter parishioners. Please make an appointment with Melissa Smith ([email protected] or 719-481-3511) to have your documents notarized during regular office hours. She requests that in lieu of the standard notary services fee, please consider supporting our Diocesan Ministry Appeal with a gift in the amount of your choosing. Life Runner Chapter at SPCS! Join us! SPCS is the first school in the diocese to start a Life Runners school chapter. Students, school staff and parish staff will join other team members around the world wearing "REMEMBER The Unborn" shirts as a life-saving witness on the 1st Wednesday of every month. WHY LIFE RUNNERS? 78% of post-abortion mothers said if they had encountered ONE supportive person or encouraging message, they would have chosen life. 23,400+ teammates in 3,500+ cities across 47 nations, deliver millions of life-saving messages with “REMEMBER The Unborn” jerseys and jackets. Running is optional. 10,000+ students (K to college) wear jerseys at school to be heroically pro-life, preventing abortions and changing our culture. Post-abortion parents also wear this redemptive message for healing. With access to the abortion pill in the mail and across state lines, Life Runners present life-saving messages everywhere. If you want to join our school students and staff in their simple pro-life witness, visit to order a blue "REMEMBER the Unborn" jersey and wear it on the first Wednesday of each month. For more information, contact Stephanie Kemp ([email protected] or 719-481-4355). Diocesan Ministry Appeal (DMA) 2024 The theme of this year’s appeal is, PRAISE the Lord who HEALS, giving HOPE to ALL. To summarize the great words of Bishop Golka, it is through the Lord’s wisdom and love that He works through each of us to help heal those who are wounded and weary while restoring hope and spirit. Together we can bring hope and healing for all who want to KNOW, SERVE, & LOVE GOD. The goal for the 2024 appeal is $2.8 million dollars. The goal for St. Peter is $192,580. Click here to make a secure online donation. Thank you for your generosity. YouCat: Small Group Study for High School Students Faith formation doesn't have to (and shouldn't) end after Confirmation! Join us for YouCat, a small group discussion-based study for high school students looking to deepen their understanding of all that the Church teaches, including what we believe, how we worship, how we live, and how we pray. The group meets on Sundays from 9:15am to 10:15am. Contact Tara Stone at [email protected] for more information. St. Peter Nursery Available during most 10:30am Masses. The all-volunteer nursery is for children ages 1 to 4. For details, click here. FORMED FORMED brings beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals. There is something for everyone: award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, e-books, and family-friendly kid’s programming. Led by the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press, and in collaboration with over 100 content providers, this site reaches more than one million subscribers worldwide. To access FORMED, click here, search for St. Peter by zip code (80132), select St. Peter Catholic Church and register with your name and email address. Military and First Responders Picture and Prayer Request Board The members of St. Peter’s Knights of Columbus 4th Assembly are proud to enable our parish to recognize and pray for our service members and first responders. Currently, the prayer board has 28 pictures, and many are several years old. It is time to update the board and the Knights need your help. If you currently have a picture of a family member on the board, please let us know if it is current or if it needs to be replaced or removed. To add a picture, contact Bob Knapp (719-502-0327 or [email protected]), Fred Seiter ([email protected]) or contact the parish office. Please submit all new or replacement photos is 3x5" size to make room for additional pictures, and include name, rank and branch of service. For first responders, provide name and specific occupation (i.e., law enforcement, fire fighter, EMS). Additionally, please provide relationship to the parish (i.e., son-in-law of Mr. & Mrs. Smith). Thank you for your prayers and support! St. John Newman Center at UCCS The St. John Henry Newman Chapel & Catholic Student Center a spiritual resource for young people in the Diocese of Colorado Springs. If you're a young adult 18-23 years old, you're invited to check it out. Learn more here. National Eucharistic Revival Our world is hurting. We all need healing, yet many of us are separated from the very source of our strength. Jesus Christ invites us to return to the source and summit of our faith: his Real Presence in the Eucharist. The National Eucharistic Revival is a movement to restore understanding and devotion to this great mystery here in the United States. The Diocesan Renewal Phase has started. Please keep this renewal in your prayers. Join the movement! Click here to receive material to your inbox to help you spark deeper exploration and love of the Eucharist. Click here to learn more. Browse - National Eucharistic Revival Our Lady of Guadalupe, The Eucharistic Woman - National Eucharistic Revival Blog: Updates and Inspiration from the Revival ( Become Eucharistic People ( National Eucharistic Revival: A Grassroots Response to God’s Invitation Prayer for Eucharistic Revival St. Anne Society Calling all Grandmothers - you're invited to join the St. Anne Society! In unison with other grandmothers, this society is being formed solely to pray for our grandchildren as they are being pulled into the evil of this world. We will pray to give our grandchildren back a life of purity and innocence and to stop the outside influences that insist on corrupting them. Please join us on Fridays at 3pm in the privacy of your home, church, or anywhere you happen to be. We will storm Heaven with our heartfelt petitions and pleas to protect and guide our grandchildren. We invite you to join us on the last Friday of each month at 3pm* in Peter the Rock Chapel for a Holy Hour devoted to our grandchildren. May God bless us in our endeavor! May God bless our grandchildren! For more information, please call Cathie Bowen 317-417-2864. *Please see the home page for any changes to the weekly Holy Hour schedule. Divine Mercy Cenacle Morning Cenacle: 1st & 3rd Thursdays from 9:30-11:30am, begins right after Mass and Rosary, room 4. Evening Cenacle: Tuesdays from 6-7:30pm right after Mass. For more information, call Theresa Knapp at 719-502-5827. Small Church Communities (SCC) SCC is a ministry that provides opportunities for small faith groups of adults to walk their faith journeys together through friendship, study and prayer. SCC groups are for every parishioner: young singles, family, empty nesters and seniors! For more information, contact Patty Farley-Barker (719-330-9393). Seeking Grandfriends for SPCS students As a service project, each of our 1st through 8th grade students write to a senior parishioner. The purpose of this project is to encourage our students to communicate with and pray for people they may never meet; providing a lesson that in giving they receive so many blessings. Grandfriends are not required to write back, but our students are delighted when they do. If you are interested in being a grandfriend or know a senior who would enjoy receiving a monthly letter, please contact Robin Sheehan. Online Giving Save time and money for both you and the church by setting up online giving via Vanco, our safe and secure online giving platform.Check out the Vanco Online How-To Guide for step-by-step instructions for setting up an account or call the parish office for assistance. Pray at 3pm Father Gregory and our Parish Council are requesting we send up prayers everyday at 3pm. Your prayer doesn’t have to be long and you can do it from wherever you are. It can be a quick, “Hello, and thank you, Jesus!” Or say the Our Father, a Hail Mary, or your own personal prayer. Just pray at 3pm everyday. Put a reminder on your cell phones. #pray@3 Here’s a prayer that may help. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you. I humbly ask you to care for all those in need of your love, guidance and wisdom. With love, in your name we pray. Amen. Could you use a helping hand? The Knights of Columbus is introducing a new program called “No Neighbor Left Behind". Social distancing does not mean we cannot have interaction with fellow Knights and parishioners. If you know of parish members who might need help with yard work, running errands or just a phone call to see how they are doing, please contact Bob Knapp at [email protected]. Praying Prodigals Home Join us as we pray for our loved ones and others to return to Jesus and the Catholic Church. We gather on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 3:30pm (before the 5pm Mass) in the large conference room. All are welcome! SPIN Groups - St. Peter Interest Groups SPIN Groups connect St. Peter parishioners who share similar interests and hobbies. The groups are intended to provide non-ministry, social opportunities for members of St. Peter Catholic Church. Click here to sign up. If you have questions or suggestions, contact Francine Onofrio (303-803-6679). How Can We Pray For You? If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please submit your prayer request by calling the parish office at 719-481-3511, click here, or email Lisa Dore. Your request will be added to our daily prayer chain. Only first names are used to maintain confidentiality. Contact Lisa Dore if you'd like to pray for these intentions. Let’s lift one another up in prayer! All e-mail addresses remain confidential and are never shared with others. Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Are you discerning about being baptized or initiated into the Catholic Church? Are you an adult who wants to complete their sacraments? If so, the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) is the perfect place to not only grow in your relationship with God, but also learn more about the Catholic faith. If you are interested and ready to take the next step in your faith journey, please contact Deacon Tom Dickinson. Become an RCIA Sponsor! You’ll be glad you did! We are looking for men and women who are interested in learning more about their faith by sponsoring an RCIA or RCIC candidate. These Candidates are seeking to become members of the Catholic Church, and will take weekly classes starting in September, ending with a joyous celebration on Easter. Sponsors provide one-on-one companionship by attending classes each week with the Candidate, and meeting at other times as desired. Sponsors do not need to teach - only accompany the Candidate on this journey of a lifetime. If you are interested in this important and rewarding role, please contact Deacon Tom Dickinson. Important Safe Environment News There are new procedures for our Safe Environment training for volunteers. Our diocese has selected a new platform called Virtus. With Virtus, refresher training will be required every three years rather than annually. Training bulletins regarding protecting God's children are sent to volunteers once in a calendar year. Background checks are still required every five years. With new registrants to VIRTUS, a one time foundational training is required. |