Volunteer Opportunities
Parish Ministry Volunteer Coordinator: Sonja Beaudoin
For volunteer opportunities specific to Faith Formation, click here.
For volunteer opportunities specific to Faith Formation, click here.
We have more than 50 ministries at St. Peter, click here to learn more about them and prayerfully consider whether you are being called to serve.
Please note: All volunteers who come into contact with children in any capacity are required to take Safe Environment Training.
Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.
Sunday 8am Ushers
If you are interested in serving on Sunday mornings at 8am as an usher, please contact Melissa Smith ([email protected]). Liturgical Ministry Team Liturgical Ministers, Altar Servers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Ushers and Mass Coordinators are needed to ensure our Masses run smoothly. Contact Melissa Smith ([email protected]) to learn more. Welcoming Ministers Smiles wanted! Friendly volunteers needed to welcome everyone to Mass with a cheery “Hello” – and it takes only 15 minutes before Mass! For more information, contact Sonja Beaudoin or Jacqueline Rafferty. Art and Environment Have an eye for beauty? Help with decorations, flowers and/or banners in the sanctuary! Contact Julie Dickinson. Choir (Adult) Contact Jolita Frank. Choir (Children's) Contact Rufina Robbins. Nursery Childcare The nursery is looking for high school volunteers to work alongside adult volunteers at the 10:30am nursery. Sign up here. Childcare for Parent Coffee Volunteers are needed on Sundays at 9am to run games and activities for children during the Parent Coffee. Sign up here. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound or Memorial North Hospital Wanted: Catholic servant hearts & hands to occasionally bring the Blessed Sacrament to homebound parishioners or patients at Memorial North. Training provided. Contact Melissa Smith ([email protected]). Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Contact Tara Stone. Wedding Planning Want to have fun helping the wedding couple on their special day? Volunteer to join the Wedding Team! Contact Cathie Bowen. Prayer
To Jesus Through Mary
Lead Parish Rosaries We are in need of volunteers to lead the rosary 30 minutes before Saturday and Sunday Masses once per month. Please contact Elaine Martinez at [email protected] if you feel called to this ministry. Don’t worry, we’ll provide the tools and coach you! Make Rosaries The To Jesus Through Mary Ministry is seeking volunteers to make rosaries. For more information, contact Elaine Martinez ([email protected]). Praying Prodigals Home Needed: People to pray with us monthly on 2nd Sundays at 3:30pm for sons, daughters, family members, friends and neighbors who have drifted away from the Church. Contact Mary Parrish. Education
St. Peter Catholic School
We have so many areas for volunteers. See top right for a few opportunities. Elementary Faith Formation Do you love your faith and enjoy sharing it with others? Consider becoming a Catechist or Catechist aide! Remember that Jesus does not call the qualified…He qualifies the called. Contact Victoria Goetz ([email protected]). Middle School Confirmation Contact Sr. Jackie Sardina ([email protected]). Childcare for 9am Parent Coffee love kids? Seeking volunteers to run games and activities for children while parents gather for faith fellowship. Contact Victoria Goetz ([email protected]). Savio Teens Have a heart for Jesus and want to help lead teens closer to Him? Our Savio group is looking for those who enjoy spending time with teens in 9-12th grade doing fun activities, praying, and learning about Christ. Contact Sr. Pham ([email protected]). Service
Amazing Women's Guild Life Support Center Layettes
Like to sew? Help put together layettes and quilts for the Marian House. Supplies provided, including the cut squares already put in order of construction! Contact Sandy Feldkamp (719-351-3113). Arimatheans Seeking compassionate hearts on weekdays to represent our parish community at funerals of our church family members. No RSVPs required – just come when you can to the Funeral Mass & reception. Contact Jeannie Behr ([email protected] to be placed on the prayer list for funeral notifications. Elder Boxes for One Nation Walking Together Generous volunteers needed to assemble, wrap, and donate shoeboxes with toiletry & gift items in October for poverty-stricken seniors on Indian Reservations at Christmas. Contact the office to learn more (719-481-3511). Fostering Hope Caring parishioners sought to act as extended family to assist, support and affirm local foster families. Contact Audra ([email protected]). Funeral Receptions/Martha Ministry Volunteers needed to prepare and serve lunch for family and friends following a funeral or memorial service. Contact Janet Campbell (719-660-0048). Green Thumb Gardeners and landscapers, all ages and abilities, are invited to help trim bushes, pull weeds, and straighten up rocks and wood chips on parish grounds. Three hours one Saturday a month. Contact Steve Hadfield ([email protected]). Marian House Soup Kitchen Cooks & kitchen help needed to prepare a hot Sunday meal for those in need every Second Sunday of the month from 7am-9:45am &/or 10am-1:15pm. Children 14-17 can help with their adult. Contact Wade Feller ([email protected] or 719-332-0414). Meals for Those in Need Enjoy making meals for others? Volunteers provide home-cooked meals for parish families facing trials or difficulty. Contact Melissa Smith ([email protected]). Office Help Volunteers needed to occasionally help answer phones, welcome people to the parish, file paperwork, etc. Computer skills helpful. Contact Lisa Dore ([email protected]). Parish Library Assistants Wanted: Volunteers to assist in library work (cataloging, preparing library items, data entry, shelving, etc.). Training will be provided; volunteers needed periodically on an on-call basis. Contact [email protected] for more information. Prayer Shawl Ministry Like to knit or crochet? Join our group to create beautiful shawls and lap robes for those in need of God's loving embrace. Contact Joan Peterson (719-282-9207) or Charlie Ann Hayes (719-481-9693). Red Cross Emergency Shelter Team Compassionate volunteers are needed to staff the Red Cross emergency shelter at St. Peter's during local area emergencies. American Red Cross certification required. Contact John Hartling (719-487-9629). Stephen Ministry Work 1:1 with others when difficult times occur. If you are patient, trustworthy, and willing to listen, pray, support, encourage, and “be there” for those experiencing difficulty, ask about our training. Contact Lupita Tenpenny (719-495-6545). Tri-Lakes Cares Volunteers needed to serve less the less fortunate in our community at Tri-Lakes Cares, our local nonprofit assisting people with food, utilities, and other services. Contact Jim Bergeron (719-481-2624). Visitors for Our Elders Are you looking for an extremely fulfilling way to serve the Lord and others, with flexible time commitment? Consider visiting our seniors in nursing homes, or the home bound from our parish. Contact Sonja Beaudoin. Stewardship
Amazing Women's Guild Casserole Sale
Enjoy cooking? Freeze a casserole or soup in a disposable container & label with ingredients to bring to Mass on Nov 6 & 7 to help the AWG support parish & school activities. Contact Sandy Feldkamp (719-351-3113). Knights of Columbus Catholic men needed to cook for and host a variety of events such as spaghetti dinners, pancake breakfasts and fish fries – raising money for parish and community needs. Contact Alan Feldkamp (719-332-8541). Respect Life Caring volunteers needed for pro-life events like helping with Life Support Center Shower of Love and distributing roses in the Roses for Life project. Contact Stephanie Kemp ([email protected] or 719-481-4355). Small Church Communities Looking for adults (young, single, family, empty nesters & seniors) to start small faith groups walking their faith journeys together through friendship, study, and prayer. Contact Patty Farley-Barker (719-330-9393). Health and Healing Ministry Seeks Volunteers The Health and Healing Ministry is looking for volunteers to write cards for those who are ill, hospitalized or homebound. The volunteer commitment is about one hour per week. For more information, contact Melissa Smith (719-481-3511). Cathecist and Cathecist's Aide's Needed Do you love your faith and enjoy sharing it with others? Please consider becoming a Catechist or Catechist aide! Not only are you sharing your faith with the children of our parish, you are also taking a more active role as true disciples of Jesus in preaching the Gospel. Training is provided for you. If you have a calling to this ministry but feel unfit, remember that Jesus does not call the qualified…He qualifies the called! For more information or to have your questions and concerns addressed, please contact Victoria Goetz. Ministry Volunteers to Serve at Mass St. Peter Church is in need of volunteers to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, Lectors, and/or Hospitality Ministers. If you're interested, please contact Melissa Smith for more information. Stephen Ministers Stephen Ministers are lay Christians who receive a minimum of 50 hours of training and continuing education to equip them to provide confidential one-on-one Christian care to those in our community who are experiencing difficulty. A Stephen Minister typically meets with his or her (same sex) care receiver about an hour per week to listen, pray, support, encourage, and “be there” as long as needed. For more information about this ministry at St. Peter Church, contact Lupita Tenpenny (719-495-6545). To learn more about becoming a Stephen Minister, watch the 2016 Stephen Ministry Promo video. Click here for an application and the training schedule. Visitors for Our Elders Are you looking for an extremely fulfilling way to serve the Lord and others? Consider volunteering to visit our seniors in nursing homes, or the home bound from our parish. The time commitment is minimal and flexible, and the reward is immeasurable. To learn more, contact Melissa Smith. Christmas Mass Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed to hand out special gifts to each family as they leave the Christmas Masses. If you can share 5-10 minutes at the end of Mass on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, please contact Welcoming Ministry Coordinator Sonja Beaudoin. |
Grandfriend Program
As a monthly service project St. Peter School students in 1st through 8th grades write to a senior parishioner. We want the students to communicate with and pray for people they may never meet. It is not required that the Grandfriend writes back; we are trying to teach the children that it is in giving that they receive so many blessings. Please contact the school ([email protected]) if you are interested in being a part of this program. Also, let us know if there is someone you think would benefit from receiving a monthly letter. |