What are you doing to strengthen your relationship with God this Lent?
We want to hear from you!
Send an email to: [email protected].
Reflection…Lent is a time of reflection and examination, a time devoted for me to be introspect and reflect on my shortcomings so that I can be better at the beautiful life God has given to me. It is a time when I can attempt to atone for my failings through fasting, abstinence and acts of penance. Lent is a time for prayer and for increased almsgiving, an opportunity for me to participate in some of the sacrifices that Catholics should make as part of the season. It helps me to realize how dependent I am on the loving mercy and grace of God and to draw even closer to God though repentance and believing in the Gospel. It is a time to prepare for the coming joy of Easter, His Resurrection, and the salvation that Jesus secured for us.
--Parish Council Vice President, Molly Ketchell
In Father Gregory’s Ash Wednesday homily, he shared some ways to consider increasing our relationship with God during this season of Lent and beyond. Here’s a snapshot of those ideas we can do to draw closer to God.
Reflection and Examination
Increase our prayers and time of Adoration.
Everyday at 3 pm, send up a prayer, no matter how short or long.
Acts of Penance
Sacrifice your free time to:
Draw closer to God
Now, please give us your ideas on how you are fortifying your relationship with God! With your permission, we’d like to share them with our fellow parishioners.
Send an email to: [email protected].
We want to hear from you!
Send an email to: [email protected].
Reflection…Lent is a time of reflection and examination, a time devoted for me to be introspect and reflect on my shortcomings so that I can be better at the beautiful life God has given to me. It is a time when I can attempt to atone for my failings through fasting, abstinence and acts of penance. Lent is a time for prayer and for increased almsgiving, an opportunity for me to participate in some of the sacrifices that Catholics should make as part of the season. It helps me to realize how dependent I am on the loving mercy and grace of God and to draw even closer to God though repentance and believing in the Gospel. It is a time to prepare for the coming joy of Easter, His Resurrection, and the salvation that Jesus secured for us.
--Parish Council Vice President, Molly Ketchell
In Father Gregory’s Ash Wednesday homily, he shared some ways to consider increasing our relationship with God during this season of Lent and beyond. Here’s a snapshot of those ideas we can do to draw closer to God.
Reflection and Examination
Increase our prayers and time of Adoration.
Everyday at 3 pm, send up a prayer, no matter how short or long.
Acts of Penance
Sacrifice your free time to:
- Visit a person in need or who is lonely,
- Shovel snow for a neighbor,
- Drive in silence with no music or radio playing,
- Create time to be still and to listen;
- Read the Bible or a spiritual book instead of watching your favorite TV program or a movie.
Draw closer to God
- Spend quiet, no distraction time, with Jesus in the Adoration Chapel (call the office 719.481.3511 for the code.
- Pray the Rosary before Mass.
- Attend Adoration before our Masses.
- Sacrifice a super-duper coffee and put that money aside for the poor and/or another important cause.
- Give to a missionary.
- Donate to a local food bank.
- Donate clothing to a local charity that collects such goods.
- Donate your time at a local charity
Now, please give us your ideas on how you are fortifying your relationship with God! With your permission, we’d like to share them with our fellow parishioners.
Send an email to: [email protected].